Top 10 Marketing Trends to Watch in 2024 & Beyond

Mike Kresch
Mike Kresch
Madison Cilluffo
Madison Cilluffo 15 February 2024
Top 10 Marketing Trends to Watch in 2024 & Beyond

As with most aspects of life in 2024, the marketing landscape is in constant flux. Technological advancements, shifting consumer behaviors, and regulatory changes will alter how brands approach marketing in the digital age. 

Now more than ever, as brands seek to develop and deliver value in an ever-changing market, staying ahead of the latest marketing trends is of great importance. Well-versed brands can use this knowledge to craft effective strategies for maintaining relevance and competitiveness in today’s saturated market.

In this article, we will take an in-depth look at the top marketing trends that will shape the trajectory of 2024. Read on to learn how you can leverage marketing trends to drive brand success! 

Influencer Marketing & UGC Trends 

To demonstrate the enduring power of influencer marketing in the months and years to come, one need only look at the Creator economy’s continual and meteoric growth. 

  • In 2024, the creator economy (also known as the influencer economy) will consist of 50 million creators globally. However, only 2 million of these creators will be able to pursue content creation full-time as their primary source of income. 
  • Similarly, it is estimated that the creator economy will be worth around $480 billion by 2027.
Influencer Marketing and UGC

So, what’s the big takeaway for brands?

There is a huge community of amateur creators who are eager to create a big splash and take their content to the next level.

  • For brands, there is enormous potential to leverage these smaller creators as they establish themselves while supporting the brand’s growth and development at the same time. 

Here are some ways you can leverage UGC & Influencer Marketing in 2024: 

1. Long-Term Partnerships Will Be Key 

Brands are shifting their approach from paying numerous trending influencers and creators for one-off posts. Instead, they are focusing on cultivating strong, enduring partnerships with influencers who share a genuine and natural alignment. 

  • When an influencer consistently promotes a specific brand, their followers perceive these endorsements as more authentic, similar to how we trust a friend who enthusiastically recommends their favorite Netflix show. 

Consistency will also be crucial. 

By regularly mentioning a brand, influencers ensure it remains at the forefront of their audience’s consciousness. 

  • This approach not only boosts brand awareness but also contributes to building brand loyalty, as the audience repeatedly encounters the brand in a familiar and trusted context. 
Influencer Marketing Trends

The objective here is to go beyond mere repetition of the brand name; it involves seamlessly integrating the brand into the influencer’s dialogue, making it a natural and authentic element of their regular content.

As brands seek to develop these long-term partnerships with influencers, influencers will be integrated into the fabric of the brand and, in many instances, can even play a role in product development. One way to do so is by seamlessly incorporating branded corporate merchandise into your influencer marketing campaigns.

2. Nano-Influencers Will Be On The Rise

Research shows that nano-influencers – meaning social media creators with a following of 1,000-10,000 followers, generate more than double the engagement of macro influencers – accounts with 100,000 – 1 million followers.

  • Given this, utilizing nano-influencers for marketing will become even more popular in 2024.

Because nano influencers have niche and small, yet loyal and targeted follower bases, they are uniquely positioned to provide brands with direct access to engaged communities passionate about a given industry or sector. 

Their followers view them as authentic experts and trusted friends rather than distant celebrities merely endorsing products for financial gain. 

And if this isn’t enough, nano-influencers are far less expensive than traditional influencers, which means you can get more bang for your buck by utilizing them in your marketing efforts.

3. UGC Will Continue to Reign Supreme  

A similar digital marketing strategy that shows no signs of slowing down in 2024 is user-generated content (UGC)

The main difference between UGC and influencer marketing lies in the way content is generated. With UGC, creators produce organic content, such as reviews or social media posts, about their experience with a product or service. 

There are also many professional UGC creators, like the ones featured in Moburst’s Creator Network, who can curate authentic content for your brand, which can then be featured on your social accounts.

On the other hand, influencer marketing aims to have influencers share the content on their personal accounts, leveraging their vast and loyal audience to promote the brand. 

  • While both involve content creation, UGC stands out for the trust it fosters between customers and brands, as opposed to Influencer Marketing, which revolves around leveraging the online presence and audience of social media influencers. 

A recent study found that 50% of consumers say UGC videos help them discover new products or services. Likewise, 83% of consumers say they are more likely to buy from a brand when they publish UGC from real customers versus influencer marketing content. 

  • Looking ahead, an emerging trend in user-generated content (UGC) is the increasing popularity of UGC campaign strategies that leverage contests, challenges, and giveaways to engage users and generate substantial amounts of UGC.

By implementing uniquely creative campaign challenges, brands can inspire user participation and cultivate a sense of enthusiasm and community among their loyal followers.

Pro Tip: UGC that comes out of competitions (as in, when there are prizes to be won by your audience) may come across as less legitimate and true-to-form than organic UGC. Use discretion when evaluating the truthfulness of that content and choosing what is worth resharing. 

Mobile Marketing Trends

​​The need to focus on mobile-first strategies in 2024 cannot be overemphasized. Mobile marketing ensures that your brand, whether you have an app, a website, or both, is well-optimized for mobile users.

A recent study found that mobile devices generated 58.67% of global website traffic. As we look to 2024, this figure is expected to be on the rise. 

Here are some mobile marketing trends we recommend paying particular attention to in 2024: 

4. App Store Optimization (ASO) Will Become More Important Than Ever 

App Store Optimization (ASO) is the process of maximizing an app’s visibility by optimizing its metadata, app listing, screenshots, and more. 

The greater the app visibility, the higher the chances of achieving a top ranking in app stores, setting your app apart from the competition. This, in turn, boosts conversions and leads to more app downloads.

App Store Optimization

While ASO is nothing new, in 2024, it is expected to step up to the plate in bigger and bolder ways than ever before. 

  • With over 70% of mobile users discovering new apps through app store searches and 65% of app installations occurring immediately after an app store search, it’s clear that ASO is the key to your app’s success. 

When considering the fact that there are over 8.9 million apps (an estimated 1.6 million in the Apple App Store and nearly 4 million in the Google Play Store), the case for highly effective ASO strategies is more critical than ever. 

One way mobile marketers can set their ASO strategies apart from competitors is by incorporating Voice Search Optimization (VSO). 

Voice Search Optimization (VSO) & App Store Optimization (ASO)

Given the rising prevalence of voice assistants such as Alexa and Siri, adopting upstream VSO provides apps with a timely competitive edge against other apps in your category

Need further convincing ​​that VSO is the way forward? Consider the following figures: 

  • Over one billion voice searches take place each month. This massive volume signifies a shift in how people find and interact with apps, making it crucial for your app to be optimized for voice search to catch users’ attention.
  • Voice assistant usage is estimated to reach 8.4 billion this year. This growth isn’t just about numbers; it’s about the expanding ecosystem of devices and contexts in which your app can be discovered and used.
  • Voice search shopping is estimated to reach $40 billion in the upcoming year. This isn’t just a trend; it’s a market shift. If your app operates within or supports e-commerce, voice search optimization could open up a significant revenue stream.

Social Media Marketing Trends 

If 2023 taught us anything, it is that social media marketing is here to stay. However, how it will look in 2024 will change drastically—failure to keep up means that brands that do not adapt will fall behind.

Some trends we recommend keeping on your radar for 2024:

5. Search Optimization Will Make its Way to Socials

Traditionally, brands have focused on optimizing their websites and content to achieve higher rankings on search platforms such as Google and Bing. 

However, a new trend is emerging, where forward-thinking marketers are now dedicating equal attention to optimizing their social media content. 

Last year, Google, the world’s leading search engine, revealed that approximately 40% of Gen Z relies on platforms like TikTok and Instagram for searches instead of using Google. This shift underscores the growing importance of digital marketers paying attention to details such as keywords and metadata in their social media posts.

Social media as a search engine
  • In this context, crafting captions that incorporate relevant keywords and descriptive information becomes crucial for enhancing a brand’s post discoverability. 

While brevity has traditionally been emphasized for driving social engagement, the current landscape suggests that incorporating more keywords and substantive content will likely contribute to improved post engagement.

6. Short-Form Videos Will Continue to Rule 

To say that short-form video marketing has transformed the digital landscape would be a massive understatement. 

If the emergence of TikTok, Instagram Reels, Facebook Reels, and other social media content formats has taught brands anything, it’s that short-form videos are the new standard for online success – and they’re here to stay. 

The widespread popularity of these condensed and attention-grabbing videos will continue to be evident in the upcoming year, with consumers voraciously consuming and engaging with them. 

  • According to 85% of marketers, short-form videos are not only engaging – they are the most effective format for social media growth. 
  • Short-form videos manage to retain viewers’ attention significantly, with 59% of them being watched for 41% to 80% of their total length, and 30% having an average watch rate of over 81%. 
  • And if this isn’t enough – 57% of Gen Z prefer short videos to learn about new products and services.
Video production

Now more so than ever, brands should distinguish themselves through concise videos that promptly capture and retain their audience’s attention, effectively conveying compelling messages. 

  • In 2024, adopting a multi-platform social media strategy will be essential to establishing a unified and consistent brand presence while delivering key messages to diverse and intergenerational audiences. 

We also recommend utilizing granular audience data to tailor their approach on each platform, deciding which content to distribute to which audience segments and where. This can be done effectively with the help of a video production service like the one we offer here at Moburst.

7. Trendjacking Will Increase Brand Relevance 

Trendjacking will become a powerful tool for brands looking to gain virality and widespread traction this year. 

This social media marketing strategy allows brands to connect with their audience by tapping into trending topics, events, or memes.

  • Trendjacking also helps brands showcase their personality and creativity online while capturing the attention and interest of a broader audience than would otherwise be possible with traditional marketing campaigns. 
  • By injecting humor, wit, or a unique perspective into their content, brands can differentiate themselves and create a memorable impression on their audience. 
  • This fosters a sense of relatability and helps build a more authentic and human connection with consumers. 

It’s important to note that trendjacking can be a powerful tool, but only if executed correctly. 

  • These days, social media users are incredibly savvy and can easily detect instances where trendjacking feels insincere or overly contrived. So, make sure to approach it with authenticity and finesse!

Content Marketing Trends 

Content marketing is a marketing strategy aimed at captivating, involving, and maintaining an audience through creating and sharing relevant articles, videos, podcasts, and other forms of media. 

Through sharing this engaging content, brands position themselves as thought leaders in their areas of expertise and ensure that their business is at the forefront of consumers’ minds when they are looking to make a purchase. 

Here are some content marketing trends that we could expect to see in 2024:

8. Interactive Content Marketing Will Be Crucial For Success

With the tightening of GDPR laws and the crackdown on third-party cookies by tech giants, it appears highly likely that in 2024, marketers and brands will face significant challenges in accessing meaningful user data. 

This will undoubtedly impact our ability to comprehend consumer habits and preferences, and effectively target them for personalized marketing campaigns.

  • In an effort to retain this valuable information, interactive content such as quizzes, polls, and surveys will be key. Despite a likely boom in this type of content, it is by no means new.

A recent survey found that 45% of brands used interactive content the most on social media, with 77% saying it was the most effective. 

Interactive Content
  • Interactive content helps engage and rope in audiences because it encourages users to stop scrolling long enough to check out their content. 

This helps consumers discover and engage with your brand while increasing organic traffic and search visibility on multiple platforms.

Some examples of interactive content worth considering in your 2024 marketing strategy include:

  • Explainer videos  
  • Interactive infographics
  • Interactive maps  
  • Carousel posts and ads
  • Software demos
  • Virtual reality (VR)
  • Augmented reality (AR)
  • Explainer videos  
  • Simulations
  • Polls
  • Quizzes 
  • Surveys  

9. AI Will Continue Supporting Content Creation

AI was the buzzword of 2023, with 46% of marketers saying they used AI tools to help with content creation. 

As AI capabilities improve and comfortability becomes an industry norm, this number is expected to grow exponentially in 2024. By 2026, the global artificial intelligence in marketing market is estimated to be worth $48.91 billion

In many ways, AI chatbots such as ChatGPT, Google Bard, and more, can be considered personal assistants. 

As it pertains to content marketing, they can help with researching, brainstorming, and distilling large amounts of research and data into digestible and target-audience-relevant messaging. 

They can also help ensure content is disseminated through the right channel at the right time in the customer journey.

While the rush for brands to implement AI technology into marketing strategy is valid, it is important to remember that AI intends to support human ingenuity, not replace it. 

AI content
  • As more and more marketers look to AI, generic and stock-like copy-and-paste content will become the norm due to AI content cannibalization. 
  • AI Cannibalism occurs when LLMs scour the Internet to produce responses that are primarily AI-generated content that has already been produced by other AI systems. This results in low-quality outputs.

As generative AI continues to dominate the marketing industry this year, brands hoping to stand out will have to go the extra mile by adding a human touch to make their messaging unique, valuable, and effective.

10. Google’s SGE Will Shift the Way We Approach Content Marketing and SEO

Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) was announced at the 2023 Google I/O event, revealing a set of search and interface capabilities that incorporate generative AI-powered results into Google search engine query responses. 

While its exact roll-out date is unclear, one thing we know for sure is that when it does hit the scene, brands across the globe will have to rethink their SEO strategies as the types of content that bring traffic to websites will change tremendously. 

  • To prepare for the upcoming changes with Google’s SGE, brands will need to shift their focus from optimizing for specific keywords to considering every step of their audience’s customer journey. This includes exploratory searches that are typically conducted at the top of the marketing funnel. 
  • Moreover, various industries will most likely experience (if they are not already) a decline in organic traffic as high-intent queries replace generic ones.

From a search perspective, Google will increasingly display user-generated content that aligns with potential queries rather than showcasing blog articles like with the current search engine results pages (SERPs). 

As search continues to diversify, platforms such as Reddit and Quora might also become more popular as top results, as users are likely to discover answers to their queries directly on Google via the generative AI snapshot. 

This means that personality-led thought leadership content is expected to rank higher and serve to drive forward a subject-matter conversation.

  • As Google’s SGE takes center stage, content that provides this and contextualizes the functional, emotional, and social needs of its target audience is likely to drive more website traffic. 

While there is no direct way to influence AI generative search, whether from Google or other platforms, creating high-quality and shareable content that ranks well can significantly impact organic traffic.

Now, more than ever, consulting with a digital marketing agency that offers specialized SEO services like Moburst can help you navigate these changes and ensure that your content remains relevant.

Key Takeaways

Looking ahead to the top marketing trends of 2024, brand success will heavily rely on adaptability and thinking outside the box. This includes creating unique and engaging content, optimizing for the latest platform and algorithm changes, and more.

To ensure brand success in the coming year, consider hiring an expert digital marketing agency like Moburst. We offer a full suite of digital marketing services to help you navigate the latest marketing trends and become a category leader.

Mike Kresch
Mike Kresch
Mike Kresch is Moburst’s VP Strategy, and author of the 2015 book Winning the MVB (Most Valuable Brand).
Madison Cilluffo
Madison Cilluffo
Madison is Moburst’s Junior Strategy Consultant. She is passionate about supporting the growth and development of brands, with a strong background in creative strategy and service design. In her free time, she enjoys capturing moments with loved ones on her treasured Nikon F.
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