Media Approach: Crafting the Right Hyper-targeted Approach

Lior Eldan 18 February 2019
Media Approach: Crafting the Right Hyper-targeted Approach

By crafting the right hyper-targeted media approach, you will see improvements across your most important metrics. Crafting a hyper-targeted approach takes more time and effort than a traditional “one-to-many” approach, however for those willing to put in that extra time and effort, the rewards will most certainly be worth it. Here we’ll take a look at crafting the right hyper-targeted approach.

What Is “Hyper-targeted?”

Traditional marketing has a “mass” approach, otherwise known as “one-to-many”. One brand, one message, but too many people. Think billboards, or TV ads. With the advent of online advertising, segmentation became possible. The “one-to-one” or “market of one” approach that marketers had been dreaming about for so long, finally became a reality. Take retargeting as an example. We all know the feeling of having checked pricing of flights to a certain destination, only to have those ads follow us for weeks irrespective of what website we’re on. Facebook and Google have allowed marketers to target their audience based on everything from earnings to interests, relationship status to job role. Add to this big data and predictive analytics, and you’ll appreciate the potential that hyper-targeting offers. Mobile changed the game even more. Now we’re talking real hyper-targeting. Brands can reach their audience based on their exact location, a particular time, an action, or use within an app. We know of course that a combination of these is actually the best way to reach your users. This also has an impact on personalization. A “hyper-local” approach can deliver a highly personalized message (and thus one that is more likely to make an impact) that was just not possible before. Thus with mobile marketing, brands have the opportunity to hyper-target their media, resulting in a personalized message for their audience, at exactly the right time, in exactly the right place, and in a way that’s perfect for that medium and audience.


Crafting The Media Approach

In crafting your hyper-targeted approach, we’ve identified 3 key steps that you should ensure you have covered:

  1. Know Your Audience

The first step is to gain a deep understanding of who your audience is. Where they are, what they do, and what message will resonate with them on an emotional level. This of course consists of traditional steps like marketing personas, but is a lot more: you’ll want to understand how they interact with their device, what apps they use for different purposes, and how and when would be the best times to connect with them. Then, you’ll want to strategize in terms of connecting with these individuals, and building a message that speaks to them through your brand. At the end of the day to be successful with a hyper-targeted media approach, it’s important to remember that it’s about them, not you.

  1. The Medium Is The Message

This old advertising adage holds true for mobile, too. Once you have explored your audience, you’ll want to decide on the best ways to connect with them. It could be via a social network, an in-app experience or a push notification. Here, you’ll want to use all the powerful mobile marketing tools at your disposal: data, analytics, advanced intelligence, location targeting, hyper-segmentation, and so on.

  1. Make It Seamless

The last thing you want is for your audience to have to jump through hoops to make the connection with your brand a mutual one. The message should fit with the platform in which you are approaching your audience. Your next steps should be obvious and compelling, and something that your audience would be comfortable and used to doing. And most critically, it’s important to show consistency: if a button takes the user to the app store for example, your look and feel there should be an integrated part of the whole experience to that point. All of these hold true whether your campaign is about branding and reach – on one end of the scale –  and performance-based campaigns on the other, and including everything in between.

Your Unique Message

Your approach is unique. That’s what makes the “one-to-one” hyper-targeted approach so special and impactful. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all and your users and potential users will immediately feel if authenticity is present in the interaction. This is also where segmented creatives come in. A “one-size-fits-all” approach with creatives is sure to leave much of your potential audience underwhelmed and could be a massive missed opportunity. Our advice here is to be you. Accentuate your differences, and embrace your uniqueness. Follow the steps outlined above; really understand your audience, ensure your medium is spot-on, and make the rest of the process seamless and natural for your target audience.

Lior Eldan
Lior Eldan is the Co-Founder & COO of Moburst. As an ASO and Mobile media expert, Lior mentors and supports startups, helping them develop and execute their mobile marketing strategies.
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