It’s that time of the year, folks. By now, we assume that just like everyone else, you’re already super busy getting ready for the holidays. The crazy shopping season is upon us and every statistic points in one direction – it’s about to be crazier than ever. The wave of launches that washed over everything guarantees that a mobile device will appear on nearly every shopping list, and Santa’s sleigh will be packed with new iPads and iPhones.
For all of you app developers out there, this means business, and plenty of it. Because the first thing people will do with their brand new iPhones, Androids and tablets (oh my!) is install many, many new apps. So if you want your app to be on their wish list – here’s your holiday check list:
1. Save the date: If you’re getting ready for Christmas day – you have a problem. The most important dates are actually Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and since the on-line research for these events is already on its way – the time is now. Everything on this list is effective immediately.
This also means that if you’re working on a new app, it needs to launch in time. The same goes for any new feature, version or re-branding process for existing apps. Please note that the lovely Apple employees will be taking a well-deserved Holiday break, which means that the reviewing process for your app must be completed. During past seasons, many developers were locked out of the Appstore for that reason. Don’t be one of them this year.
2.Get in the Holiday spirit: While marketing your app for the Holidays is definitely more than Santa hats everywhere – the little hats are still very much part of it. Creating a new holiday-themed design for your app is important. So deck the halls, and make your app Christmas-pretty.
Not only the visual aspect should be modified to fit the holiday vibe, but the message must be festive as well. The aggressive advertising campaigns we assume you’re working on right now (and the awesome sales to go with them), ought to address the Millions of shoppers out there looking for a great Christmas gift, or eager to spend their iTunes gift cards on great new apps.
Enabling potential users to download your app begins with the single most important process for app developers: ASO. App Store Optimization. For clients to enjoy your new design, they must first find your app in the Appstore. Alter the keywords to fit current search-results and make sure your app doesn’t get lost in the crowd.
3. New Year, new features: The recent launches also mean plenty of new features that your app should be ready for. If you have an amazing app that is still a little buggy on the iPhone 6 – it’s not good. Another great reason to put new features to good use is if you want users to show off the new mobile abilities to their friends, and demonstrate them using your app.
Most importantly: As far as new features go, retailors should pay special attention to the revolution of mobile payments. Apple Pay and Google Wallet are key features for you, and if you find a unique, cool way to incorporate them into your app, you might even get some PR out of it.
We hope this short-yet-intense list helps you get things going. You are lucky to take part in one of the most interesting and lucrative times on mobile marketing. Developers who had to launch their product during slower times would have loved to be in your place right now, believe us. So get to work and we hope Santa bring you tons of new users!