Checklist: What to Expect from Your App Store Optimization Company

Chen Shifer
Chen Shifer 01 March 2017
Checklist: What to Expect from Your App Store Optimization Company

So you’ve decided to entrust your app store optimization efforts in the hands of a company or agency. This is a wise decision for many reasons. In most cases, the main reason is that you need to focus on your core business, rather than on learning the art of app store optimization. There’s no shortage of agencies and companies offering ASO services. As the competition for user attention in the app stores rises, more and more app publishers understand that a professional ASO service provider is the key to success. So the number of agencies and companies performing ASO is rising to match. But how do you choose one, and what criteria should you consider? Multiple Tools and Data Sources Relying on a single tool for keyword research, keyword tracking, app ranking and competitors is ineffective and can produce data that will lead to the wrong decisions in the ASO process. Make sure that the ASO company you select uses a number of tools, and even develops in-house solutions to help their clients stay ahead of the competition. App Store Optimization Company In-House Content and Creative Teams Companies and agencies that outsource their graphic design, content writing and translation services can’t provide the same level of expertise as those that perform these functions in-house. Professional ASO service providers employ multilingual teams of content writers and creative artists specializing in app marketing, and well-versed in the best practices and requirements for effective ASO.

Experience and Staying Current While newcomers to the ASO services arena might be very up-to-date on the latest trends, they often last the experience in the field. In addition, they don’t always have the right tools or sources to stay ahead of trends and new developments on the market. Be sure to check that the ASO company of your choice has both the ability to stay on top of trends, but also past experience with multiple types of apps from which they’ve learned. Track Record When choosing an ASO service provider, be sure to check their client list. If you recognize names of apps, the ASO company must have done a good job promoting the app and making it discoverable and prominent enough to reach you. Reports and Updates Contrary to what many small ASO companies might claim, ASO is not a set-in-and-forget-it type of activity. It’s a process that requires periodical reports, constant analysis and a proactive approach. In your negotiations with an ASO company, bring up the topic of reports and ongoing activity monitoring, as well as A/B tests and localization efforts. In addition, it’s always helpful to work with a company that keeps you up-to-date on the state of the mobile market business, current trends and recommendations. Beyond ASO Since ASO is part of an overall app marketing strategy, it’s generally wiser to go with a company that does more than just ASO. For example, a professional mobile marketing company will also offer app advertising, user engagement analysis, user experience optimization all along the conversion funnel and more. Rather than splitting these activities between different service providers, you should seek out a solution provider that can synergize and execute an overall mobile marketing strategy.

Chen Shifer
Chen Shifer
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