5 Reasons Why You Need a Mobile Marketing Agency to Take Your App to the Top

Marketers are a resourceful crowd, but the go-getter attitude that helped get them far can sometimes prove to be a problem. Such is the case of DIY optimization. Even smart marketers make the mistake of assuming that common sense is enough to help them perform ASO on their own. The following lines will explain why mobile marketing experts are needed in order to reach true ASO greatness.
1. ASO is about a lot more than just app store keyword research:
A common misconception is that all you need to do is figure out the right keywords to include in your app description. In reality however, it is not a matter of solely choosing the right words, but also arranging them in the most effective order and including leading terms in the app title. But more importantly, getting your prospective users to the app page is only half the battle. ASO is all about creating a compelling App Store experience that will convince page visitors to download the app, and the creative process leading up to the coveted install still requires humans and not only algorithms (well, at least for the time being).
2. You cannot rely on a single solution:
A recent study conducted by our team showed a strong contradiction in the results produced by each of the best ASO tools available. Marketers simply cannot rely on a specific tool and must perform their keyword research using several platforms. And it’s not only the research aspect that ought to involve different perspectives – every part of your ASO process should be based on serious A/B testing. You must experiment with different keywords, titles, visuals, texts, etc. You might be capable of doing it all on your own – but there’s a good chance it will end up being the only thing that you do.
3. The magic never ends:
All done with the keywords research, an app-page makeover and heavy A/B testing? Great. Now all you need to do is… continue working on it…forever. The ASO process is an ongoing effort, one that requires tracking, measuring and adjusting on a regular basis. Neglecting to perform proper maintenance will result in a slipping ranking position that will make your competitors extremely happy. The mobile arena is super dynamic and new apps, keywords and tools must be taken into consideration at all times. And let us not forget that you have to keep up with the elusive Google and Apple algorithm, which on its own is enough to keep you very busy.
4. Content is still king:
Some marketers think of their app description as the perfect place for keyword stuffing, and lure potential users to their app page only to lose them a second later. A great ASO tool might help you find the right keywords to include in the text (emphasis on “might”), but it’s up to you to craft the right text using them. Another way you’ll be using content is for link-building, which can influence your ranking on Google Play. Content becomes an even bigger part of the equation when taking deep linking into consideration, as an app with high quality content will be indexed better on both Android and iOS 9. Investing in richer app pages, writing guest articles, commenting on relevant forums and getting blogs to review your product are all fantastic ways to boost your product – but no ASO tool can help you with that.
5. Understand your audience:
ASO platforms can assist you in tracking specific words, but you must first get into the heads of potential users and understand what it is that they’re searching for and expect to find. It’s not just a matter of keyword suggestions – it’s a holistic approach to ASO that takes into account common mistakes and unknown hacks. After working with hundreds of apps, mobile marketing experts can come up with different ideas for you to use in the ASO process, and make sure no optimization stone was left unturned.
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